A Letter from the GGRF Leadership Team


Dear friends and colleagues,

What a time we are in. Our hearts go out to all affected by the COVID-19 global health crisis. In these difficult times, we are working to ensure the health and safety of our staff and program participants. We are writing today to update you on the actions we're taking to protect our community and ensure the continuity of vital programming.

The Ethiopian government has closed schools nationwide for the next two weeks, during which time we will continue to deliver the following services as part of the GGRF Athletic Scholarship Program:

  • Free Lunches and Snacks: GGRF students will have access to our lunch program throughout the duration of school closures.

  • Savings Groups: The mothers of our Athletic Scholars will be able to complete their weekly savings group meetings while observing best practices in social distancing. The Savings Groups provide access to the groups' collective savings as well as grants and loans that are of critical importance at this time.

  • Medical Subsidy: Students will continue to have access to a medical subsidy to cover any necessary medical costs during this time.

We will be monitoring the situation in our program locations and adapt our programming to best meet the needs of the GGRF Staff, Athletic Scholars, and families. Thank you for your support in making these critical programs available to the GGRF community.


During this time, we are working to continue our programming and mission to the best of our capacity.  After 8 years of growth and development with Kayla Nolan as our Executive Director, we have never been in a better position for a leadership transition. As of September 2020, Kayla will be transitioning from GGRF Executive Director to Chair of the GGRF Board of Directors, providing space for a new leader to continue GGRF’s important mission. She will continue to help lead and guide the organization through this transition and later as Board Chair. We look forward to working together in this new capacity.

In these times of great change and challenge, we are here to work with you and the GGRF community to lead with courage and deliver quality, vital programming for girls and women. We are eternally grateful for all that we’ve been able to do together and look forward to continuing our work in uplifting the next generation of girl changemakers with you.

Best wishes on behalf of all of us at GGRF,

Kayla Nolan
Executive Director
Girls Gotta Run Founation

Ashley Griffith-Kollme
Chair of the Board
Girls Gotta Run Foundation